体育博彩(以下简称“大学”)董事会的每位成员必须保持最高的道德标准,避免个人利益与大学利益之间的实际或明显冲突. 本政策声明旨在为所有受托人提供维护上述标准的具体指导. 本声明适用并应作为理事会一般政策的正式声明分发给所有受托人.

Best Interest of the University.

In the conduct of the University’s affairs, 所有受托人必须意识到,所有决定的首要考虑和前提应是大学的最佳利益. Adherence to this standard is furthered when all matters are approached with an open mind, constrained always to the best interest of the University; all judgments are based on information that is complete and accurate for the purpose at hand; and each person is tolerant of the ideas and positions of others.

General Ethical Standard.

All Trustees shall at all times act with decorum, honesty, integrity, and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. 与大学的关系不得以任何方式用于损害任何受托人的个人利益.

Specific Conflict of Interest Policies.

Certain outside business, professional, 以及其他活动和关系可能会干扰一方履行官方或指定职责的能力,或可能以其他方式与大学利益发生冲突. Therefore, 对于与涉及财务利益的任何组织或个人有关系的受托人,理事会制定了以下一般准则, or holding of a position of authority with, any party conducting business with the University; and for Trustees engaging or seeking to engage in outside business, financial, and professional activities, either with or without compensation.

A Trustee shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any outside business, financial, 或与大学利益有冲突的专业交易或其他活动, which might reflect adversely upon the University, 或以其他方式干扰受托人自由履行其作为受托人职责的能力. 任何可能的利益冲突必须在确认存在潜在冲突后立即与董事会和公司董事会进行讨论.

Any financial interest, or any position as a fiduciary, officer, trustee, advisor or consultant, or any similar position of influence or authority, 由与大学有业务往来或考虑有业务往来的组织或公司的受托人持有, 在确认存在这种关系后,必须立即向董事会和公司董事会披露. 禁止受托人代表大学或以其他方式参与与受托人或受托人的家庭成员有上述关系的任何组织或企业的任何交易, 除非在披露所有相关信息后获得董事会和公司董事会的事先书面批准.

Acceptance of any gift, entertainment, or other personal favors (except for ordinary and customary tokens of nominal value, 在适当的场合和情况下参加由另一方支付的商务午餐或其他餐点, (如果受托人的存在显然是适当的,并且符合大学的目标),任何与大学有业务往来或寻求与大学有业务往来的人都可以参加娱乐活动, including prospective donors, 可能会有不得体的表现,或者在特定情况下可能不合适. If in doubt about any such matter, a Trustee should seek the advice of the Board of Trustees and the Company Board.

Trustees must at all times maintain confidentiality of the University’s affairs, proprietary business information, and other internal procedures, personnel information, 学校依法编制或提交的各种报告中未公开披露的信息等. 即使是关于可以通过研究可公开获得的材料来确定的信息, 在当前的情况下,讨论或披露是否合适,必须确定.

Each fiscal year, 所有受托人应按本协议所附格式向董事会主席提交一份声明,列出受托人及其配偶的所有董事职位, trusteeships, memberships, 或其他可能导致个人在涉及大学的任何商业或教育事务中有偏见或偏袒的关系. Such statements shall be filed within 30 days after the beginning of each fiscal year. 在该声明中提供的信息将仅用于大学的内部管理,以实施其利益冲突政策, and by providing the requested information, 每个受托人承认理解此要求并同意此(而不是其他)使用.

所有潜在的利益冲突应在任何会议或其他程序中尽早披露,这些会议或程序将考虑涉及个人利益所在的组织的事项. When a conflict or potential conflict exists, the affected person shall abstain from voting or acting upon the pertinent item, withdraw from the meeting, 不参与或非正式地影响决策过程,除非应要求提供事实性信息.

本政策声明不得以任何方式解释为限制公共受托人委员会章程和章程中的任何利益冲突条款(无论是否明确指定为此类条款). 每位受托人负责审查理事会的章程和细则, and all provisions thereof are hereby incorporated by reference.